Water Supply Outlook for Alberta

November 2017

Recorded March 1 to September 30, 2017 Natural Runoff Volumes - Milk River Basin (Natural Flows)

2017 Recorded Volumes
March 1 to September 30
2017 Forecast Volumes
Locations Volume in dam3 Volume as a
% of Median
Ranking (lowest to highest) Average difference between Forecast and Recorded natural volumes
Milk River at
Western Crossing
63,200* 158 56/98 23
Milk River
at Milk River
70,300* 102 34/98 17
Milk River at
Eastern Crossing
68,800 69 23/98 30

* based on a combination of International Joint Commission and Alberta Environment and Parks naturalization methods.

Median is based on the period 1981 to 2008

Ranking is based on the period 1912 to 2008

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