Flow Estimates for the Current Year

The graph below shows the Athabasca River flow estimates (black dots) used in implementation of the Lower Athabasca Region Surface Water Quantity Management Framework for the Lower Athabasca River weekly management triggers and water withdrawal limits for the current year 2024. The table below presents the Athabasca River flow estimates used for the previous year.

The river naturally fluctuates throughout the year, with flows reaching their peak around July (approximately week 26 on the graph). As natural flow increases, so does the minimum flow required to maintain a healthy ecosystem.

Flow estimates for the current year 2024

*Week #1 is January 1 - 7. Week #52 is December 24th - 31st.

Flow estimates for the previous year 2023

Week Flow (m3/s) Week Flow (m3/s)
1 135 27 2340
2 128 28 1440
3 154 29 841
4 152 30 824
5 146 31 936
6 142 32 1210
7 137 33 996
8 137 34 999
9 150 35 942
10 151 36 1140
11 152 37 769
12 158 38 587
13 135 39 429
14 135 40 369
15 135 41 361
16 142 42 344
17 142 43 356
18 142 44 302
19 543 45 265
20 764 46 274
21 624 47 222
22 841 48 185
23 806 49 179
24 762 50 167
25 1030 51 160
26 3530 52 167

* On occasion, weekly flow estimates may not be available for various reasons including spring breakup, the gauge being out of service, or data outages.